Marine surveys & inspection

Condition Surveys / Prepurchase survey

Condition survey of vessels and equipment is a statement of fact report and represents the status of an asset at a particular time. The survey will typically determine the working or operational condition of equipment and management systems, including its certification status. Instructions are normally requested by vessel or barge owners, charterers and insurance interests, including P&I Clubs

Our condition surveys include:

  • Entry & condition surveys for P&I insurance
  • Entry and condition surveys for H&M insurance
  • Vetting surveys
  • Surveys for company compliance
  • Sale and purchase surveys
  • Condition surveys for valuation
  • 360 Quality surveys (reefer vessels)
  • Cargo hold cleanliness inspections
  • Ultra-sonic hatchcover testing
  • Delivery / redelivery surveys (incl. on-off hire)
  • JH2006/010 A, B, C, Engine room and office management and condition surveys on behalf of Hull Insurers

Demolition Voyage Management

We expertise in overall management for all type of demolition vessels providing end to end solution. We are assisting our owners to takeover all kinds of vessel on “as is where is” or “Delivered” basis our Ship and Shore team will manage ships with reasonable costing and unmatched efficiency.

We assist and involve our self in all phases of Demolition voyage as below:

  • Pre Purchase Inspection
  • Budgeting
  • Crewing
  • Flag change / Ownership registration
  • Class certification / Survey coordination
  • Provide logistics for the voyage
  • Insurance supports and coordination with warranty surveyors
  • Bunkering
  • Vessel preparation for the sea passage / voyage
  • Monitoring the sea passage on 24 X 7 basis
  • Beaching vessel and delivery to end buyers on confirmation from owners

Re-activation of laid up assets

We support vessel owners and shipyards in a systematic, cost-effective recommissioning of laid-up vessels returning to operation. Depending on the length of the lay-up period, the asset may be required to undergo a full special survey to have its Class notation reinstated.

Our many years’ experience in dealing with Class requirements from the outset can reduce the amount of time and costfor the reactivation.
To ensure that this process runs smoothly,we pre-plan performance testing requirements.

Such requirements will vary depending on the condition of the machineries, regulatory compliance framework, in particular towardsits DP notation.
Examples of such requirements may include testing of power distribution systems and verification of position keeping capabilities and the Capability plot.

Vessel owners can benefit from our in-depth competence in achieving below:
  • Reduced re-commissioning time and cost
  • Improved quality and reliability of mission-critical system and components
  • Compliance with insurance and charters requirement on recommissioning

Dynamic position FMEA / FMECA

Klyde Marine Services LLC. is specialised in the assessment of all kinds of DP vessels with DP notations DP-1, DP-2 and DP-3. We have a track record of conducting work in accordance to IMO (International Maritime Organisation), Class Rules, IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) and MTS (Marine Technology Society) requirements and guidance.

Industry Standard Audit

We have extensive experience with many standard formats including CMID (Common Marine Inspection Document), eCMID (main and small boats, ROVs, Dive systems), MISW, OVID (Offshore Vessel Inspection Database), MSF (Marine Safety Forum) and insurance industry JH series. Where required by the relevant standards, personnel are qualified to perform such audits.

Cargo Inspection / Cargo Survey

Our team surveys and investigates bulk, break bulk, palletised and containerised cargo in support of claims for damage and performs discharge surveys where disputes arise in relation to quality and quantity / shortage and contamination.

Single voyage transport & Towage approvals

Klyde Marine Services LLC. has extensive experience in the design, planning, management and of the MWS approval of general marine transports, single voyages and towage operations.

Rig, Jackups Inspection Services

Klyde Marine Services LLC.  Rig Inspection (RI) are experienced in delivering a wide variety of rig Inspection services, with their team of rig inspectors having extensive industry experience.

Rig moves

Klyde Marine Services LLC.  has a team of master mariners, rig movers, naval architects, structural engineers and geotechnical engineers specialised in rig move business covering independent technical assessment and verification, MWS engineering review, survey attendance and approval for ocean move, in-field move and installation, lay-up and reactivation of rigs.