Klyde Marine Servicess LLC, Safety, Security and Health of our employees, sound Environmental protection and high Quality are integral to our mission of providing value-added solutions to our marine transportation services. Our team works diligently and conscientiously to continuously improves SSHEQ to world class standards. KMS is committed to the following but not limited to:
- Zero harm to people, property and the environment
- Continual improvement and compliance with standards and requirements
- Compliance with all applicable legal, international, statutory, regulatory and consistent with customer requirements
- Identification of hazards and risk assessment implementation
- Practice of regular safety and emergency exercises
- Promotion of open communications and employees’ participation
- Create a “no blame culture” and encourage reporting
- Recruitment of well-qualified employees and continual development
- Delivery of a high quality standards services by recognizing and meeting client’s needs, requirements and expectations.
- Adherence to the document SSHEQ Management System

Our Policies
The Company Management believes that, in providing comprehensive marine/subsea support services to the offshore industry, the Safety, Health and well-being of its employees including Contractors and all persons working under its control, together with the general public, as well as the protection of the Environment, are the overriding responsibilities and considerations in carrying out its diverse marine operations, The continual improvement of the Company’s Safety, Security, Health and Environmental culture, embracing as it does the standards of services provided, constitutes the key element of the Company’s strategic objectives in delivering the highest level of quality to its Clients.
The Company Management will make available the necessary resources and is obligated to continually measure and improve its Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality performance.
The company Management is committed to provide a safe and healthy working condition considering the purpose, size and context of the organization and considering the risks and opportunities and the achievement of its SSHEQ Policy through the attainment of the following goals:
Zero harm to people, property, and the environment in all undertakings.
Maintenance and continual improvement of the Company and all its vessels/MOU and Sites, in conformity with the ISM Code, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001:2018 Standards, and maintenance of safe and pollution-free operating practices.
Compliance with all applicable legal, international, statutory, regulatory and consistent with customer requirements in respect of Safety, Security, Health, Environment and Quality.
Maintenance of procedures for the ongoing identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and opportunities, the implementation of the necessary control measures with the firm aim of preventing ill-health and eliminating the work-related injuries, ensuring the well being of all employees and to be prepared for any operational emergency that may arise.
Practice of regular safety and emergency exercises, both onshore and offshore, and the development of a culture of SSHEQ awareness, personal discipline, and accountability through the application of the SSHEQ Management System.
Promotion of open communications and employees’ participation and consultation, via Company incentive schemes, suggestion/feedback cards, SSHEQMS review in measures aimed at continually improving Safety, Security, Health, Quality and protection of the Environment.
Maintenance of procedures for the ongoing identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and opportunities, the implementation of the necessary control measures with the firm aim of preventing ill-health and eliminating the work-related injuries, ensuring the wellbeing of all employees and to be prepared for any operational emergency that may arise.
Practice of regular safety and emergency exercises, both onshore and offshore, and the development of a culture of SSHEQ awareness, personal discipline, and accountability through the application of the SSHEQ Management System.
Promotion of open communications and employees’ participation and consultation, via Company incentive schemes, suggestion/feedback cards, SSHEQMS review in measures aimed at continually improving Safety, Security, Health, Quality and protection of the Environment.
Create a “no blame culture” and encourage reporting, focus on ways to correct mistakes and prevent recurrence.
Recruitment of -competent employees, both onshore and offshore, holding qualifications, certification, job specific knowledge, training and experience to comply with the regulations. Continual improvement of their performance through the identification of their training needs and providing all necessary resources rewards etc., as applicable.
Delivery of a high and continually improving level of quality standards of services by recognizing and meeting the internal & external interested party needs, requirements and expectations.
Adherence, at all times, to the documented SSHEQ Management System operating procedures, through a system of internal/external audits/inspections, controls and verification.
It is the responsibility of all personnel, from Management through to all employees, to commit themselves fully to the goals of the SSHEQ Policy; to follow procedures and instructions at all times and to take the necessary precautions to protect and care for themselves, their colleagues, any

Accreditations & Awards
KMS ensures that international standards, regulations, alignment with best industry practices and client satisfaction are being met with support of KMS Integrated Management System. assengers, the ship, its cargo, and the environment.